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William Hudson's Driving Licence
William Hudson's Driving Licence
Dora Townsend's Medical Card
Dora Townsend's Medical Card
Dora Townsend and friends during WW11
Dora Townsend and friends during WW11
Dora Townsend and friends.
Dora Townsend and friends.
The Bampton Welfare Trust
The Bampton Welfare Trust
William Hudson. Communication from the Insurance Committee for the County of Oxford.
William Hudson. Communication from the Insurance Committee for the County of Oxford.
Godfrey Horne , home on leave, with his father, Ted Horne.
Godfrey Horne , home on leave, with his father, Ted Horne.
Albert Townsend, Castle View farm, registration card 1943
Albert Townsend, Castle View farm, registration card 1943
Advert for Caretaker Bampton C.e. Primary School
Advert for Caretaker Bampton C.e. Primary School
350 Years of Bampton
350 Years of Bampton
Results 11 to 20 of 4386