Debate about a water supply for Bampton 1934
- BCA - 2021.2625
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- 1934
At a meeting in 1934 there was considerable discord and some not very pleasant behaviour between councillors all to do with getting fresh water to Bampton.
Nik Stanbridge
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Debate about a water supply for Bampton 1934
At a meeting in 1934 there was considerable discord and some not very pleasant behaviour between councillors all to do with getting fresh water to Bampton.
Nik Stanbridge
Bampton Horticultural Society Summer Show
After a very hot and dry summer the Bampton Horticultural Society held an excellent summer show although there were fewer entries in some of the flower and vegetable classes.
The Lady Anne Montagu Cup for overall points was won by Mr J Horne.
The cutting lists all the winners in all the classes.
Nik Stanbridge
April & Michaela Mullis, Margaret Govier at Pumpkin Club mini fête 1974
April & Michaela Mullis and Margaret Govier at the Pumpkin Club mini fête 1974
Nik Stanbridge
Bampton win football cup-tie match 1974-75 season
North Berkshire Cup, Bampton 4 Ardington 0
North Berkshire League Division II, Letcombe 2 Bampton A 2
Nik Stanbridge
Bampton Marina to be decided upon by County Council
A Caversham firm want to make a 49 acre marina at Tadpole Bridge on the Thames. WODC lowlands area planning committee are objecting tot he plan because gravel extraction will have to take place first a marina could be built. The decision has been put into the hands of the County Council.
Now 2021 and no marina has been built or gravel extracted.
Nik Stanbridge
Bampton Horticultural Society Autumn Show
The Bampton Horticultural Society has two shows a year and this is their autumn one. In the picture, Betty Collett the club secretary is seen holding a huge marrow with club chairman, John Snook. The John Taylor cup for the most overall points went to Mr Keith Bishop.
Nik Stanbridge
Clair Dryden invested as May Queen
Clare Dryden was invested as May Queen. Bob Harris, probably best known for presenting The Old Grey Whistle Test but at this point he was a presenter on Radio Oxford, put the sash on Clare. The ceremony took place in the WI Hall, Market Square. It is now the Village Hall.
Nik Stanbridge
The New Inn is renamed The Morris Clown
In 1973 the New Inn on Bampton's High Street was re-named The Morris Clown.
It was a very contentious issue because the jester in the Bampton Morris has never been called a Clown, always a Fool. That piece of history cut no mustard with the Brewery, Courage (Central) which is a pity. Now 48 years on, this perceived poorly renaming is hardly ever mentioned but there are still those who feel the name should be corrected.
Nik Stanbridge
Son Townsend 50 years a Morris fool; children with garlands
In 1974 Son Townsend clocked up 50 years as a Morris Dancer and later Fool in Bampton. He first danced out with the side in 1925. To mark the occasion a clock and silver salver were given to Son.
The young dancers left to right behind Son are (I think?) Clive Tanner, Fred Cook, Mat Green and Malcolm Willis.
The young children with their flower garlands are L-R Tim Waller, Emma Carruthers, Louise Walker and Martin Landray
Nik Stanbridge
Mini world cup tournament held in Germany 1976
Jason Seacole of Henry Box School in Witney was integral in England School Boys winning all their matches in the season. England beat West Germany in the final of the eight nations schoolboys' international in Dortmund in May winning 4-2. Earlier in the tournament they beat France 6-1 and Jason scored a hat trick in the match.
Nik Stanbridge