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Document detailing the sale of Calais Farm in 1984
Document detailing the sale of Calais Farm in 1984
Document detailing the sale of Calais Farm in 1984 (9 pages to view)
Document detailing the sale of Calais Farm in 1984 (9 pages to view)
Locals in trouble with the law 2015 & 2016
Locals in trouble with the law 2015 & 2016
Ancient path from south gate to Norman door of St Mary's
Ancient path from south gate to Norman door of St Mary's
Vera Elward aged 8 year old with her class c1930
Vera Elward aged 8 year old with her class c1930
Vera Elward aged 8 year old with her class c1930
Vera Elward aged 8 year old with her class c1930
Wall brought down by frost and rain in Weald Street February 12th 2013
Wall brought down by frost and rain in Weald Street February 12th 2013
Robin Shuckburgh, Chairman of the Bampton Community Archive 2013
Robin Shuckburgh, Chairman of the Bampton Community Archive 2013
Clanfield & Bampton Historical Society AGM & Dinner 2013
Clanfield & Bampton Historical Society AGM & Dinner 2013
St Mary's choir sing Sung Evensong at Lichfield Cathedral April 18th 2015
St Mary's choir sing Sung Evensong at Lichfield Cathedral April 18th 2015
Results 1 to 10 of 4014