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3 Archival description results for Busby's

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Old Time Bampton Places by Lloyd Hughes Owens (booklet)

  • BCA - 2023.4270
  • Item
  • 2023

Document put together by Mr Hughes Owens, one time headmaster of Bampton School. This shows many old picture of what Bampton looked like over the years together with typewritten descriptions.

Nik Stanbridge

The Morris Clown, previously The New Inn and originally The George

  • BCA - 2018.1443
  • Item
  • late C19th early C20th

The pub in the High Street named The Morris Clown (as at 2018) began life as The George. Steve the present landlord found the ancient wooden name board in the cellar but it fell to dust when he tried to lift it. A long time ago it became the New Inn as seen in the first photograph which is at least pre 1920 because the cottage at the est end of the Market Square is still standing and that was pulled down to make way for the War Memorial. Over the door can be seen a sign which says Clinch's Entire Eagle Brewery, Witney. There is another line underneath which sadly is not readable. The lower board says Commercial Inn, Lila Clack and two more lines of text which I can't read. The opposite side of the road is the department store owned by T. W. Pembrey which ran the length of present day No7 High Street, Lesta House, Strawberry Cottage and across Bushey Row, then called New Inn Street the shop on the corner. On the end wall of the New Inn on the third picture text can be seen which in part says Commercial something and Posting House. A little of this lettering can still be seen in 2018. What was Pembrey's is now Busby's department store. Note the thatched hay rick camera side of Lime Tree House. Thatching hay ricks kept the hay in good condition and shed the rain off; rick thatching was a specialist job and in Bampton Ben Tanner and his brother were particularly skilled and Reg Rouse was also.

Nik Stanbridge