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2650 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Football in Bampton through the C20th
Football in Bampton through the C20th
Bampton ball at Weald manor around 1970.
Bampton ball at Weald manor around 1970.
Letters following the drive to allow St Mary's to be used for worship by our Roman Catholic neigh...
Letters following the drive to allow St Mary's to be used for worship by our Roman Catholic neighbours
Bombing around us WWII
Bombing around us WWII
Ham Court  Photographs  (Bampton Castle)
Ham Court Photographs (Bampton Castle)
Lascelles Gazetteer of Oxon 1853
Lascelles Gazetteer of Oxon 1853
Townsend family and shop in the High Street
Townsend family and shop in the High Street
Weald Manor Fancy Dress judged by Winston Churchill's daughter at Weald Manor in 1950
Weald Manor Fancy Dress judged by Winston Churchill's daughter at Weald Manor in 1950
WWI scenes recorded by Australian official photographer
WWI scenes recorded by Australian official photographer
Brenda Quick working on a farm in Bampton probably Weald Manor farm
Brenda Quick working on a farm in Bampton probably Weald Manor farm
Results 1 to 10 of 2795