A few photographs taken of the Bampton Traditional Morris Men dancing on Spring Bank Holiday in 2003. Musician Reg Hall Dancers Jonny Shuker, Toby Perry, Cyril Smith, Billy Main and Martin Landray. Ray Borrett the fool dancing the fool's jig.
Newspaper Cutting reporting on the Annual Fete held in the Old School Playing Field (Sandfords Field) Bampton in 1973. There was a knock out Competition, and displays by the Fire Brigade and the Morris Dancers. The Competition was won by the Jubilee Team who apparently had to wade through the muddy stream.
Witney Gazette article by Miranda Norris dated 28th July 2021 about Opera held in the Deanery gardens by Bampton Classical Opera. Paride de Elena by Gluck translated in to English by Gilly French. Featuring Lucy Anderson, Ella Taylor, Lauren Lodge-Campbell and Lisa Howarth.
OFF THE BEATEN TRACK Impressions of a visit to Bampton Article in North Wilts Herald dated 6th October 1939. Signed by NOMAD. Reporting the approach of War, and the at The Manor may be used as a hospital.
Photos showing Bampton Morris at Churchgate House in 1973, Bob Allison, who was a baker at Constable's Bakery and made the cakes, offering a piece of cake to Anita Saunders.
Newspaper cutting showing Bill Govier , who was the Secretary at the time, pulling a a catapult for a Catapult competition organised by the Pumpkin Club to raise money for the senior citizens of Bampton. It was held in The Morris Clown Pub.
Three newspaper clippings notifying of deaths of three Bampton People Shiela Daniels Robin Connaughton and Margartet Govier Funerals were help at St Mary's Church Bampton and Funeral Director was Peter Smith Witney