Document commissioned by Parish Council following a Meeting in October 1982 re: proposed new housing and effect on shops and facilities etc in Bampton. Report based on questionnaire completed by residents of Bampton. Facts and Figures of Population, Housing and Utilities of 1982/83.
Carterton under pressure to have a 1000 home estate on its western edge as well as 700 on the eastern side. 250 already approved for the north. 2014 250 homes have got the go-ahead to be built on the northern edge of Carterton. All run-off from Carterton comes through Bampton so all building there affects us, particularly when we have heavy rain storms.
West Oxfordshire District Council's deputy, Mark Booty does not believe the housing targets are achievable. Mark feels it would be more sensible for houses to be built in the south of the county where the jobs are situated. By 2031 it is said 13,200 more homes will be needed in West Oxfordshire although there is nothing to indicate that the same number of jobs will be created.
Witney Gazette April 16th 2014. Concerns over the capacity of sewers lead to delay in agreeing plans for 38 new homes in Aston. The pumping station in Aston can't cope and Thames Water will have to do work on it. There are no planning reasons to reject the application.
Simon Faulkner-Barrett from Bampton was a runner in the London Marathon and completed the course in personal record time of 4 hours 28 minutes. Simon was raising money for the Mulberry Bush School in Standlake which supplies therapy and support for traumatised children.
Whistle-blowers at the ambulance service, which covers West Oxfordshire have warned lives are being put at risk because of staff shortages. There are 265 vacancies but funding available for only 90 paramedics in this year. There was a 10% increase in the use of private ambulances in the year. Much more info in the article