Witney Gazette, Houses for sale 2014
- BCA - 2022.3768
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- May 2014
Newspaper Cuttings showing properties for sale in 2014
Janet Westman
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Witney Gazette, Houses for sale 2014
Newspaper Cuttings showing properties for sale in 2014
Janet Westman
Copy of the poster used to advertise Trevor Darke's free talk about Family History held in the Lewington Room on 16th May 2023.
Janet Westman
Abbey Properties Promotional Brochures
Promotional postcards used by Abbey properties Estate Agents in Bampton, showing old photographs of Bampton. Namely The horse fair outside the Horseshoe pub, and the corner of Church Street and Bridge Street showing the Elephant and Castle when thatched and the Wheatsheaf Pub
Janet Westman
Butlers of Bampton Wine Merchant
Small newspaper advert in Witney Gazette 1984 Butlers wine merchant
Janet Westman
Pumpkin Club Annual Street Fair
Advert in Witney Gazette for Pumpkin Club Annual Street Fair
May Day
Janet Westman
Emmies (E.Papworth) Advert in Witney Gazette 1984
Advert in Witney Gazette 1984 for Emmie's Paper shop
Janet Westman
Witney Gazette Article about Sale of Old Bell Cottage, Thatched Cottage
on the sale of Bell Cottage and mentioning Bampton as venue for filming Downton Abbey
Price £299,950
Janet Westman
Booklet produced to commemorate 50 years of the Shirt Racer as part of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, with a message from Don Rouse and details of how the Shirt Race came about in 1953. The booklet was printed by Margaret Johnson of Witney, and contains advertisements of local Shops and businesses.
Janet Westman
The Romany Inn Mike & Glynis Drysdale
The Romany Inn Mike & Glynis Drysdale
Nik Stanbridge
Copies of Posters and Advertisements for Events held in the Library, including Board Games, Art Club Rhyme Time, Lego, Book Launches, Racing Robots and District Councillor Surgery
Janet Westman