- BCA - 2024.7895
- Item
- June 1953
Who’s who in the film…
Film 1
Opening frame Arthur Hill's shop the at The Deanery
1.17 Garlands ?
1.22 John Tanner, Olive Peacock, Dorothy Tanner (Buckingham)
1.40 Gerald Clutterbuck and ?
1.44 Miss Morton (Miss Pollard's companion) and friends
1.51 Daphne Jackson and David Rose & Mr & Mrs Clutterbuck & Phillip (Miss Pollard's gardener)
1.58 Mr Clutterbuck
2.18 David John and Rosemary John
2.38 Morris Dancers: Billy Wells with cake. Harry Hampton - fool. Mr Clarke - fiddle. Francis & Roy Shergold
3.36 Harry Hampton -fool
4.02 Shirley Scoble (left)
4.13 Albert Tanner
4.21 David John, Miss Taunt (tall woman)
4.24 Miss Stephens
4.34 Doris Green (Cleaver) Mrs Green at bedroom window, before the road was built up in Broad St.
4.38 Doris Green (Cleaver)
5.05 Revd. & Mrs Kellway (Vicarage - Cobb House)
5.18 Policeman - could be P.C. Hatten
5.20 Outside St. Johns in Broad Street
5.40 David John
5.41 Jim Townsend, David Robey
5.42 David Rose
5.51 ?, Bing Woodley, Michael Boden, Carol Boden, Gene Harper? Outside Eeles’ shop (now Co-op)
6.50 Mrs Wheeler, Ann Wheeler, Bessie Green, Mrs Ted Green (Warren Green's mum)
6.24 Lady with bicycle - Mrs Temple
6.31 Mrs Temple
6.39 Harry Pocock
6.50 Man up ladder?
6.52 Woman?
7.03 Man on left with moustache: Captain Dodd (lived at Windmill House)
7.11 Louie Weston (sister of Edie Quick) Jenny Quick, Kenny Quick, Christine Weston
7.26 Horace Morse
7.34 Horace Morse
7.39 Sylvia Barney, baby - Keith Barney, Sylvia's aunty.
7.40 Mrs Easton (Broad Street)
7.42 Mr and Mrs Harry Pocock, Edwin and Ruth.
Film 2
0.16 Lou Woodley, Ann Woodley, Nell (Aston Road)
0.33 Mr & Mrs Temple (Gate Cottage, Weald Manor)
0.43 Adrian Barney & ?
0.51 Sylvia and Hector Barney. Adrian?
1.01 George Bishop
1.09 John Henley & Billy Hudson (Frank's dad)
1.13 Mr. John?
1.15 Frances Henley and Lloyd Hughes-Owens & Roy
1.20 Margaret Henley
1.25 Roy Henley
1.31 Frank Collet
1.34 Peter Holtom
1.36 Tommy Tanner
1.38 (background right) Jack Rose, Mrs Rose & Pat
1.41 June Long
1.43 Rhoda Preston & Pat
1.44 Mrs Clutterbuck, Mr Gerring (Celia's Woodley's grandad)
1.46 Susan Hunt, Tina Mansfield, Jean Addison, Mary Robinson
1.48 Sally Addison, Ellen Curtis, George Bishop, Mrs. Holtom
1.50 Mrs. Ewins
1.52 Donny Phillips - (American Service child). Ernestine Stroud (Roy Stroud’s wife) Roy Stroud (Church Organist)
2.04 Roger Curtis
2.06 Ernie Hunt (Rocky)
2.08 Tom Bird, Ernie Hunt
2.10 Mrs Hunt, Susan Hunt
2.15 Patricia Preston
2.21 Shirley Daniels, Harold Hunt, Sally Addison, Tina Mansfield, Celia John
2.22 Emmie Papworth, Tommy Papworth, Johnny Hounslow, Colin Rouse
2.25 Emmie Papworth, Tommy Papworth, June Long, Ann Wheeler, Ruth Smith, Colin Rouse? Alec and Bessie Townsend?
2.26 Jim Townsend
2.29 Sammy Gough
2.35 Alan Govier (married to Frank Piercy's sister), Dickie Daniels, Kenny Long, Robert Radband, Raymond Green
2.39 Frank Daniels, ? Knight, Tommy Gerring
2.47 Kenny Curtis, June Long, Ruth Smith
2.49 April Humphries, Marina Waite, June Long
2.50 David Daniels
2.52 Anne Robey and David Robey (father was the milkman, lived at The Dairy, Broad St.) David Rose
2.55 Ellen Curtis, Ivy Becket, Mr & Mrs Snook and Richard Snook
2.58 Mr & Mrs Ham, John Rouse (lived with the Townsends), Rosemary Hounslow (Ruby's sister)
3.03 Kenny Lomas
3.07 David Daniels
3.09 Mrs Lomas
3.12 Jean Cook, Mrs Ellis, Sally Ellis, Hazel Wheatland
3.13 Mrs Collins, Celia Collins, Mrs Lomas
3.16 June Drinkwater, Hazel Wheatland
3.17 Mrs McKenzie
3.36 Miss Farmer
3.36 Alice Peacock (Puttock)
3.41 Shirley Scoble's mum
4.01 Peggy Roberts
4.05 Colonel and Mrs Powell (lived at Church Gate)
4.10 Miss Hobbs (teacher)
4.12 Carol Boden, Ann Woodley
4.19 Frances Henley and Francis Shergold
4.21 Mavis Clack
4.32 Frances Henley & Lloyd Hughes-Owens
4.32 Malcolm Collet
4.36 Brian Curtis & Roger Curtis
4.38 Peter Ham
4.41 Sheila Wagner, Roger Curtis
4.46 Sammy Gough, Victor Long, Pauline Hooper, Rhoda and Patricia Preston, Bobby Baird, Mrs Baird
4.47 Mrs Ewins
4.49 Kenny Curtis, Janet Elward, Mrs Baird, Rosie Gerring
4.51 Mr Holtom (worked at the Deanery) Frank Collett, Cyril Smith, Mrs Baird Colin Rouse ? (bottom right hand)
4.55 Robert Radband
5.03 Mrs Snook, Mrs Ivy Becket, Mrs Reynolds, Kenny & Roger Curtis, Sheila Hornsby
5.05 Roger Curtis, Beth Keel, Daphne Jackson, Olive Peacock
5.08 Mr Hughes-Owen, Mrs Rose
5.11 Jenny Keel
5.13 Ann Wheeler
5.19 Flo Radband
5.21 Edie Forshew & Rhoda Preston
5.22 Rhoda and Patricia Preston. Michael Brooks and Jim Brooks
5.23 Mrs. Rogers (Iris Humphries' mother) Mary Hampton
5.24 Violet Becket
5.25 Mrs Green, Mrs Clutterbuck
5.28 Mrs Clutterbuck & Phillip, June Drinkwater
5.35 Mrs Pocock, Kath Tanner (Ben Tanner's wife)
5.37 John Henley
5.42 Mr Hughes-Owen & Miss Morton
5.46 Laurel Humphries
5.47 Brian Radband
5.48 Bob Quick
5.55 John Quick
6.37 Mr Clutterbuck
7.00 Ann Robey
7.03 David Robey
7.13 David Rose, Ann Robey and David Robey. (outside the Old Dairy, Broad Street))
7.27 Horace Morse on his cart.
Nik Stanbridge