Repairs to the south, lower roof at St. Mary's church
- BCA - 2025.8018
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- November 2024
Janet Newman
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Repairs to the south, lower roof at St. Mary's church
Janet Newman
Horse Fair in Church Green seen from the churchyard
Horse Fair in Church Green seen from the churchyard
Nik Stanbridge
Kilmore House, Church Close 1890
Kilmore House, Church Close 1890
Nik Stanbridge
Old Time Bampton Places by Lloyd Hughes Owens (booklet)
Document put together by Mr Hughes Owens, one time headmaster of Bampton School. This shows many old picture of what Bampton looked like over the years together with typewritten descriptions.
Nik Stanbridge
The Double Easter Sepulchre at St.Mary's Bampton
Article written by Dr Ernest Parkin describing the Double Easter Sepulchre in the church, which is "special" because it is double. Dated from 15th Century.
Janet Westman
St. Mary the Virgin Church - Opening of the Horde Aisle as a vestry 1894
Printed Sheet with Hymns and Prayers for Order of Service - Opening of the Horde Aisle as a vestry Nov. 8th 1894
Attended by the Bishop
Janet Westman
Restoration of St Mary The Virgin in 1870
Photograph similar to those taken by Henry Taunt after full restoration in 1870 to St Mary The Virgin..
Janet Westman
Photograph showing work being done on top of Church Spire c1970
Janet Westman