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Janet Westman Maps
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Second Edition 1899. Ordnance Survey Map Central Bampton east towards Aston

  • BCA - 2022.3831
  • Series
  • 1899

First of three Second Edition 1899 Ordnance Survey Maps showing Central Bampton, north & south, east nearly to Aston, Someone has annotated the map with pencil showing who owns various fields, and when bought and the cost.
Names of people owning fields

Mr. Wilkins
JG Andrews Trustees
FF Southby
Stevens of Calais Farm
WW Shepherd
Mr Rose
Mr Carter
Sold 18th May 1950 L H Saunders for £400
Sold 18th May 1950 Mr Read for £700
L Dafter
Sold 18th May 1950 to F A Gerring for £2275

Places shown on Map in 1899 as follows:
Beam Cottage
Bridge Street
Calais Farm
Church Street
Fishers Bridge
Manor Cottage
Manor House
New Inn Lane
Primrose Cottages
Swan Inn
The Grange

Janet Westman