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Gardener's ,Lascelles' and Kelly's Gazetteer 1982-1985

  • BCA - 2022.3848
  • Item
  • 1982-1985

Scanned copy of old document containing extracts from Gardener's Gazetteer of Oxon 1852, Lascelles' Gazetteer of Oxon 1853 and Kelly's Directory of Oxon 1895. Listing businesses and trades in Bampton and surrounding villages, and the following surnames are included
Rose and Bullen

Janet Westman

Indenture made May 10th 1808

  • BCA - 2022.3818
  • Item
  • 1808

Indenture Document dated May 10th 1808, with reference to rents and land at Bampton and yeomen Edward Whitaker, Joseph Andrews, John Fludger Salisbury, Barnard Green, John Shingleton, William Williams, Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend. Transcript as follows, see notes at end.

This Indenture made the tenth day of May in the forty eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight Between Edward Whitaker of Bampton in the County of Oxford Esquire Joseph Andrews of Bampton aforesaid, Surgeon John Fludger Salisbury late of Bampton aforesaid but now of the City of Oxford Surgeon Barnard Green of Bampton aforesaid Cow Leech John Shingleton of Bampton aforesaid yeoman William Williams of Bampton aforesaid yeoman Thomas Gillet of Weald in the Parish of Bampton aforesaid yeoman and Thomas Townsend of Weald aforesaid yeoman of the one part and William Andrews of Bampton aforesaid Butcher of the other part Witnesseth that for and in the Consideration of the Yearly rents Covenants payments and agreements herein reserved mentioned and contained which on the part and behalf of the said William Andrews are and ought to be done performed and kept according to the time intent and meaning of these presents They the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend Have and each of them Hath devised and to farm let and set and by these Presents Do and each of them Doth demise and to farm let and set into the said Willima Andrews All those two closes or inclosed grounds of pasture called Moor Close and Rake Ready Lane containing by Estimation eleven acres (more or less) lying and being in Bampton aforesaid Except and always reserved into the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrew John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and assigns out of this present demise all Timber and other Trees whatsoever and of what nature or kind soever now standing growing or being in or upon the said Premises or any part thereof or which shall during the Term hereby granted stand grow or be in or upon the same premises with free Liberty of Ingress Egress Regress way and passage to and the said Eward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and assigns and their Servants Workmen Horses Teams Carts and Carriages to fell cut down dig grub up take and carry away the same at their free will and pleasure To have and to hold the said Closes or inclosed Grounds and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances unto the said William Andrews his Executors and administrators from the fifth day of April last for and during and unto the full end and term of seven years from thence next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended Yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year during the said Term unto the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs or assigns the rent or the Sum of twenty seven pounds of lawful Money by two half yearly payments that is to say on the tenth day of October and the fifth day of April yearly the first payment to begin and be made on the tenth day of October next ensuing the date thereof and so continue to be paid half yearly during the said Term and also yielding and paying on the days and times and in manner aforesaid unto the said Eward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs or assigns the further yearly sum of twenty pounds for each acres of the said hereby demised premises and so in proportion for more than an acre which the said William Andrews his Executor or administrators shall plough dig up or convert into tillage the first payment thereof to begin and made on such of the said days of payment as shall happen next after such ploughing digging up and converting into Tillage and so continue to be paid half yearly during the said term And the said William Andrews for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant promise and agree to and with the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and assigns by these presents in manner and form following that is to say that he the said William Andrews his Executors or Administrators or some or one of them shall and will well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and Assigns the said yearly rents or Sums of Money on the days and times and in manner aforesaid without making any deduction or abatement whatsoever And that if the said rents or Sums of Money or any part thereof shall be behind or unpaid in part or in all for the space of twenty one days next after either of the said days or times of payment whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid being lawfully demanded or if the said William Andrews shall assign this present Lease or subdemise the said Premises hereby leased or any part thereof without the License or consent of the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and Assigns under their Hands and Seals first had and obtained that then and in either of the said cases it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and Assigns into and upon the said demised premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole to reenter and the same to have again repossess and reenjoy as in their first and former Estate or Estates any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wise howsoever notwithstanding And also that he the said William Andrews his Executors and Administrators shall and will pay bear and discharge all and all manner of Taxes rates Levies charges and assessments whatso ever as well parliamentary as parochial which shall or may be taxed rated charged or assessed on the said premises or for or in respect thereof or of any part thereof or on the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and Assigns for or in respect thereof the Landtax Landlord’s property tax and quitrent only excepted which the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend do hereby covenant to pay bear and discharge or abate deduct and allow out of the said hereby reserved rents And that the said William Andrews his Executors and Administrators shall and will during the said Term keep all the Gates Stiles Hedges Mounds and Fences of and belonging to the said premises in good and perfect repair and at the end of the said Term leave the same in such good and perfect repair and shall not nor will lop or top any Maiden Tree or lop or Shroud any other Tree or cut the Hedges of the said Premises but at the proper and Seasonable time of the year nor more than once in the said Term and shall not mow the Grass more than once in each year of the said Term and the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend for themselves their Heirs and Assigns do covenant with the said William Andrews his Executors and Administrators that he the said William Andrews his executors and administrators paying the said rents and performing the said covenants according to the true intent and meaning hereof shall and may peaceable and quietly have hold occupy and possess and enjoy the said demised premises with the appurtenances during the said Term without the lawful let suit Trouble Hindrance Molestation Interruption or denide of or by them the said Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury Barnard Green John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet and Thomas Townsend their Heirs and Assigns In Witness thereof all the said parties to these presents have hereto set their respective Hands and Seals the day and year first above written
Edward Whitaker
John Fludger Salisbury
John Shingleton
Thomas Gillett
Joseph Andrews
William Williams
Thomas Townsend
(no signature of Barnard Green next to the seal)

Sealed and delivered by the within named Edward Whitaker Joseph Andrews John Fludger Salisbury John Shingleton William Williams Thomas Gillet Thomas Townsend and Willima Andrews in the presence of
Thom Broad Macey

Sealed and delivered by the within named William Williams In the presence of
? Macey

Feoffees of Moor Close and Lake Ready Bampton to Mr Wm Andrews
Lease for 7 years from April 5 1808

Macey Witney


  1. Feoffee – a trustee invested with a freehold estate to hold in possession for a purpose
  2. The Inclosure map of this area dated 1821 shows the lane call Rake Ready Lane and not Lake ready as written in this indenture

Janet Westman

Epitome of Title Calais Farm

  • BCA - 2023.4041
  • Item
  • 1986

Epitome of Title relating to the sale of part of Calais Farm to M E Shaylor by Mr Stevens of Limetree House in 1986
Consisting of Copies of the following documents
1) Conveyance between Lorna Weston Ogilvie. Gordon Ogilvie. Margaret Deneke , Bryan Norman Stevens & June Doreen Stevens
2) Deed of Grant Sd. B.N. & J.D. Stevens and The Secretary of State for Defence
3) Deed of Partition Sd. B.N. Stevens & J.D. Stevens
4) Legal Charge Sd. B.N. Stevens Williams & Glyn's Bank Ltd.
5) Legal Charge H.M. Ld. Chgs. V 0902265
6) Statutory Declaration by Sd. B.N. Stevens
7) Conveyance Sd. B.N. Stevens, Monty Edwin Shayler & Susan Mary Shayler
8) Sd. M.E. & S.M. Shayler Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank N.V.

Janet Westman

Bampton Pumpkin Club Minutes 1972

  • BCA - 2023.4059
  • Item
  • 1972

Minutes of the Committee Meetings held in 1975 and one from 1972 held in the Cotswold Grill
Club President Countess Munster
Vice President Jim Gascoigne
Chairman Ken Mullis
Vice Chairman Ron Saunders
Secretary Bill Govier
Treasurer Mrs J Taylor
Committee Iris Humphries ,Jack Lawrence, Dave Passmore; Frank Godwin, A Jordan

Janet Westman

Vicars of Bampton, 1200-1500

  • BCA - 2022.4024
  • Item
  • 1200-1500

Summary of Bampton Vicars and Vicarages, dating from years 11th to late 14th century. supplied by Maggie Harris of Churchgate House.
Vicars names mentioned:
Godfrey de Lucy
John D'Alencon
John Fitz John
Hugh De Ilchester
Philip DeExeter
Hugh De Scotthorn
Roger De Bromyard
Nicholas De Bampton
Robert De Lucy
Simon the Vicar
Nicholas de Totnes
William Pibcerna
William de Coleshill
Henry de Paris
John dew Kar
William de Bodmin
Richard de Beeston
Robert De Buckingham
Richard de Exeter
Robert Bythewall
John De Serynton
Thomas Chasteloun
John Chame(or Chanie)
John Brown
Roger De Heulee
William Elys
Richard De Braud hurst
Robert Fleming
William Wenrich
Wiliam Belamyslond
Roger Ford
Thomas Dyer
John Moore
John Culmere
John Pope
Richard Moore
William Woode
Robert Ayington
Thomas yonge
Thomas Fyssher
William Gawel
William Hoper
Richard Clerk
Edmune Willesford
John Southwode
Richard Heynson
John Lichfield
John Dyer
Edmund Crispin
John Dagle
Walter Wright
William Leveson
Thomas de Boulegh
John Holrygg
John Wydelond
John Forde
John Fyla
William Dyer alias Cole
Robert Holcot
Thomas Hoye
Richard Crispin
Thomas Burton
John Whyte
John Dotyn
Henry Dotyn
John Arthur
Francis Dirston
Robert Hopar
Richard Houghall (Hughol, Huffield)
Hjohn Hynton
John Chaplain
John Loskyns
Richatd Clerk
John Simondes
William Pincerna

Janet Westman

The Swan Inn, Legal Documents

  • BCA - 2023.4065
  • Item
  • 1823-1831

Five handwritten Indenture Legal Documents relating to the sales and mortgages of the Swan Inn and adjoining land dating from 1823 to 1831, Also mentions Turnpike Gate and Kents Weir Gate.
Named in the documents are
John Wright
Rachel Bradshaw Clinch
Mary Vines
William Walcroft
Edward Fisher
Thomas Breakspeare
Edward Fisher
John Roberts
William Hanbury
Henry Whitaker
James Ward
Jonathan Arnatt

Janet Westman

Bampton at Time of the Enclosure Act 1821

  • BCA - 2022.3816
  • Item
  • 1821

These maps are copied from the document housed at St. Luke's Museum, in East Oxford. The Maps show The fish ponds and water courses, the areas of land and boundaries allocated to the Landowners and names of the plots. There are fish ponds marked in grey behind the Grange, by The Deanery, Weald Manor and down Cheyne Lane
Landowners are named as follows
Lord Shrewsbury, Jesus College, Miss CA Horde, H. Willis, L&T Dewe, James Dewe, The Revd G Richards, The Honourable J Coventry, H. Williams Lefsee, Abingdon Poor, Jos Andrews, Catherine Upjohn, Allotment for Tithes, The Dean and Chapter of Exeter, The Rev J Francis, Rev H Owen, W.J. Walker, Bernard Green, E. Whitaker, Josiah Andrews, G. Shingleton, Catherine Upjohn, Jos Barratt Esq, John Roberts , The Rev T Burrow, Swinbrook Charity, The Rev J Francis, John Kenn,
Names of Plots
Werge Furlong, Youngs Close, Pond Close, Cock, Hen and Chick Furlong, Burnthouse Closes, Bedsons Close, Lains Close, Wrights Hill Furlong, The Poor House, Pettifers Close, Kirks Close, Gravel Pits, The Bowling Green, Forty Acres, Grove Orchard, Dr Andrews, Forty Acres Furlong, Hawkins Piece, Lamperts Seven Acres, The Mews, Swinbrook Close, Home Orchard, Lower Orchard, Lissets Close, Fishers Bridge Close, Coppity Ground, Hows's Closes, Grove Orchard, Kirks Close, Clay Close, Little Clay, Landalls Mead, Calved Close, Dickinson Mead, Coneygra, Headland, Ten Acres F, Horse Close, The Knowl, Eight Acres, Barley ground, Eight Acre F, Gullivers Pieces, Rushey Close, Stray Close, Ham Court Orchard, Sandfords, Great Bourn, Watts Close, Bull Green, Furlong Shooting on Clanfield Footpath, Coxeters Furlong, Coxeter Piece, Varnells Furlong, Rake Ready Lane, Home Close, Spring Close, Bull Furlong, Thoroughout Furlong, Clay Furlong, Wright Hill Furlong, Home Orchard,

Janet Westman

Hilda Kent Cromwell House History

  • BCA - 2022.3854
  • Item
  • 2000?

Handwritten notes by Hilda Kent, about the history of her home Cromwell House and the Old Forge. The tenants and owners from 1660's,, included
Ann Waring
Jane Coxeter
John Fox
John Jorden
Messrs Orpwood and Smith
Mrs Sammons
Richard Coxeter
Richard Sunderlands
Thomas Sammons
William Stamp

Janet Westman

Bampton Pumpkin Club Minutes from 1976-77

  • BCA - 2023.4060
  • Item
  • 1976-77

Handwritten Minutes from the Meetings of the Pumpkin Club held at the Cotswold Grill from January 1976 to June 1977
Club President Countess Munster
Vice President Jim Gascoigne
Chairman Ken Mullis
Vice Chairman Ron Saunders
Secretary Bill Govier
Treasurer Mrs J Taylor
Committee Iris Humphries, Jack Lawrence, Dave Passmore. A Jordan,

Janet Westman

Results 1 to 10 of 13