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West Oxon residents can have say on proposed council tax rise

  • BCA - 2017.1071
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  • January 2017

Toby Morris, councillor for Resources wants locals to fill in the on-line consultation. Government funding is to be cut by £0.75m and there will be a rise in the cost of waste and recycling by £0.8m.

Bampton Community Archive

Report on the Survey & Plan of Bampton by M W Robinson, County Planning Officer October 1966

  • BCA - 2017.532
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  • 1966

This report on the Survey & Plan of Bampton was done under the guidance of M W Robinson FRICS MTPI in October 1966. It makes very interesting reading and the conclusions are as relevant today as they were then. The topics covered are 1. Population 2. Situation 3. Character 4. The people 5. Shopping 6. Principal road connections 7. Schools 8. Open spaces 9. Social facilities, Public Services etc 10. Surface water drainage 11. Sewage disposal 12. Water supply and much more. It makes a very interesting read particularly in the light of all the dwellings that have been built here since October 1966, all those being built now (Jan 2017) and those being proposed when considering the access into Bampton has not been improved yet in 1966 one of the conclusions states was that Bampton could not take further development, a by-pass was not possible and no further space for parking other than possibly in Church Street could be made. Houses have since been built on the land in Church Street

Nik Stanbridge

2014. Sisters unite in requesting a public inquiry

  • BCA - 2020.2356
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  • December 2014

Witney Gazette December 3rd 2014. Sisters unite in requesting a public inquiry after each of their brothers died from starvation after their benefits were drastically cut.

Cathie Wood and Gill Thompson, sisters to Mark Wood of Bampton and David Clapson spoke of the "austerity war" at a public meeting in Witney. Mark died weighing just over four and a half stones after an assessment by Atos, for the DWP claimed he was fit to work and his disability benefit was cut. Similarly David, a diabetic, had his benefits were suspended and without electricity he could not refrigerate his insulin.

Bampton Community Archive

News update from Robert Courts MP for Witney & West Oxfordshire at March 2020

  • BCA - 2020.2359
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  • March 2020

Robert Courts was elected to take over as MP for Witney and West Oxfordshire when David Cameron retired from being MP for the constituency. Robert emails a news roundup more less weekly and this one has much in regarding Coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19.

Robert has given me permission to copy his letter and put it on this website and wishes me to make all aware of his email address

Bampton Community Archive

Fear that hiking DIY waste fees will see fly-tipping rise

  • BCA - 2020.2366
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  • September 6th 2017

A fear was expressed that fly-tipping would increase when the fees were raised to take waste to Dix pit and other waste recycling plants in Oxfordshire. That was in September 2017; now, in April 2020 the fears have proved to be well founded.

Bampton Community Archive

'No win no fee' policy of a developer behind plans for more than 700 homes

  • BCA - 2021.2585
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  • December 10th 2014

Campaigners have condemned the xo-called 'no win no fee' policy of a developer behind plans for more than 700 homes on sites across Oxfordshire. 446 are planned for sites in West Oxfordshire. Sites are in Witney and Bampton.

Bampton Community Archive

Results 1 to 10 of 65