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4411 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Evacuees to Bampton 1940 and Shirley Boyce's Memoir
Evacuees to Bampton 1940 and Shirley Boyce's Memoir
Downton Abbey posters on church noticeboard in Bampton
Downton Abbey posters on church noticeboard in Bampton
1ba. Closer view first three sealed names
1ba. Closer view first three sealed names
Transliteration of indenture (PDF)
Transliteration of indenture (PDF)
Indenture 1859 - Sale of Elizabeth Bartlett's properties
Indenture 1859 - Sale of Elizabeth Bartlett's properties
1b. Dates showing and first three sealed names
1b. Dates showing and first three sealed names
1d. Last three sealed names
1d. Last three sealed names
1e. Second page with many signatures, different date
1e. Second page with many signatures, different date
Billy Mathews and mother on a boat at Radcot Bridge.
Billy Mathews and mother on a boat at Radcot Bridge.
CBL Converted milk float for carrying wine
CBL Converted milk float for carrying wine
Results 1 to 10 of 4614