1797 Map showing Bampton Hundred
Bampton at Time of the Enclosure Act 1821
Second Edition 1899. Ordnance Survey Map Central Bampton east towards Aston
Second Edition 1899. Ordnance Survey Map Black Bourton, Cowleaze Corner east to Central Bampton
Map 1913 Edition Marsh Lane East incl Weald and Clanfield Road
Maps of East Half of Bampton 1921
Ordnance Survey Map dated 1922 Grafton to Chimney including villages
Ordnance Survey PlanSP3002-3102 Weald, Hayway Lane, Weald St, Clanfield Rd. 1971
Ordnance Survey Plan SP3003-3103. Bridge St east Colvile Close etc 1971
Ordnance Survey Plan SP3002-3102 1971. Cowleaze Corner Weald to Aston Road