Clubs, Hobbies and Pastimes



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Clubs, Hobbies and Pastimes

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Clubs, Hobbies and Pastimes

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Clubs, Hobbies and Pastimes

131 Archival description results for Clubs, Hobbies and Pastimes

131 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Posters for Charity and Social Events

  • BCA - 2024.7926
  • Item
  • 2024

Copies of posters and advertisements advertising Social and Fundraising events in the village
Barn Dance
Signed Calendars by Matthew Rice
Movie Night
Ukelele Workshop
State of the Rivers
Primary School Early Years Unit
Summer Concert
Josies Raffle

Janet Westman

Gardening Club

  • BCA - 2024.7928
  • Item
  • 2024

Posters advertising Bampton Gardening Club Coffee Mornings, and talks held in the Village Hall each month

Janet Westman

Library Events

  • BCA - 2024.7927
  • Item
  • 2024

Copies of Posters and Advertisements for Events held in the Library, including Board Games, Art Club Rhyme Time, Lego, Book Launches, Racing Robots and District Councillor Surgery

Janet Westman

Bampton Recreation Ground Multi Sports Project

  • BCA - 2024.7911
  • Item
  • 1995

Copies of quotes, Letters with Parish Council and building information for the production of the Flood lit Multi Sports area and Tennis Courts in Buckland Road.

Janet Westman

Skate park opening and Recreation Park

  • BCA - 2024.7808
  • Item
  • 2003

Photographs and documents relating to Recreation Ground multi sports facilities and the Skate park which opened on April 6th 2003

Nik Stanbridge

Red Cross

  • BCA - 2024.7804
  • Item
  • 2024

This is a picture of the front and back cover of the program from 'The British Red Cross Junior Section for the Programme of the Displays of Activities given in the Presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra of Kent Patron of The Junior Red Cross at St James's Palace on Friday June 11th 1954' and has been kept by Pamela Collins née Green (sister of Harry Green).
Pamela says "In 1954 I went as Bampton's representative to St James's Palace to be part of a guard of honour at Princess Alexandra's first solo engagement"
letter sent out with the arrangements for the day when in 1954 Pamela Preston (now Pamela Hunt) ". went as Bampton's representative to St James's Palace to be part of a guard of honour at Princess Alexandra's first solo engagement"

Nik Stanbridge

Women's section British Legion

  • BCA - 2024.7418
  • Item
  • 1950s

Women's section British Legion . Photograph of ladies of the British Legion in 1950 together with photographs of crowning of the May queen children parties, carnivals and fetes organised by them And newspaper cuttings reporting on the events, also wedding and funeral announcements some dated 1968 and 1972

Nik Stanbridge

Women's section British Legion fun football match v men

  • BCA - 2024.7427
  • Item
  • 2024

Photograph and list of the ladies and men at 21st birthday of the women's section British Legion celebrated with a fun football match v men
21st birthday of the women's section of the British Legion football match v the men's football members. I think there are 28 people in this picture as ever I need help with their names. What year did the Women'ssection of the British L gion take off? If we know that, then we can date this football match?
1.Jane Woodley

  1. Audrey Court
  2. Freda Bradley
  3. Betty Collett
  4. Joan Keyte
  5. Kath Walker
  6. Primrose Seacole
  7. Pat Curtis
  8. Sharon Foreshew
    11.Joan Pearce
  9. Celia Woodley
  10. Margaret Jones
  11. Jasper Walsh
  12. Albert Radband
  13. Ken Lomas
  14. Richard Snook
    21.Frank Drinkwater
  15. Dave Fox
  16. Joan Smith (Radband)
  17. Ben Tanner
  18. Mike Cleaver
  19. Ruby Paintin

Nik Stanbridge

Look what you can do in Bampton 2018

  • BCA - 2024.7789
  • Item
  • 2018

Brochure advertising Freshers Week in Bampton, June 23rd 2018 List nearly 60 Clubs and Societies

Nik Stanbridge

Results 1 to 10 of 131